
The Collection
Our extensive collection of painting mediums features acrylic gels and moulding pastes, acrylic mediums, oil painting mediums and glazes, solvents and oils for oil painting, water mixable mediums, watercolour moulding pastes, dilutants and brush cleaners. Here you will find everything you need to extend your colours, to imbue your colours with brilliance and depth, to build texture and structure and to create an incredible variety of finishes and effects in your work.
We have carefully chosen each product from the ranges of leading suppliers including Williamsburg, Spectrum, Golden, Schmincke, Pip Seymour, Jo Sonja, Winsor and Newton and many more. We look for the quality and consistency that you can rely on and aim to bring everything to you at competitive prices.
Beginners and students may initially find the extensive choice primers, sealers, mediums and varnishes intimidating but the team of artists at Pegasus are always on hand to help you find the right materials for your work. Art is a voyage of discovery during which you will find your preferred materials and techniques through practice and experimentation. There are limitless possibilities at your fingertips and at Pegasus you will find everything you need to develop your potential.
There are useful details regarding each available product in the individual listings which should enable you make the right choices but if you do need further help then please do not hesitate to drop in to Griffin Mill or to give our friendly team a call.