Month: May 2024

Proud to sponsor Painswick Plein Air at the Rococo Gardens

Proud to sponsor Painswick Plein Air at the Rococo Gardens

Painting Outdoors, or Plein Air as it’s known, is making a comeback. We’ve noticed plein air communities and competitions springing up everywhere of late….and we couldn’t be happier!

So when the organisers of the inaugural Painswick Plein Air at the Rococo Gardens in the pretty, nearby village of Painswick – we jumped at the chance!

Learn how to paint seasonal flowers with botanical artist Karen Green

Learn how to paint seasonal flowers with botanical artist Karen Green

Have fun discovering a little about the botany of flowers to help you understand their structure and notice details about their shape and pattern. 

Learn techniques such as glazing, and colour matching, pen work and stippling to aid your watercolour and show contrast, texture and shadow.